The Jacksonville area has several neighborhoods and homes with a variety of architectural styles and cultural significance. Here’s a quick look at the…
According to a new study by House Method, more than 55% of homeowners are choosing to remodel their living spaces rather than move or sell. But renova…
Emily and Jack decided to give their kitchen a fresh remodel to create a larger space where the family could gather and cook together. As the project …
When it comes to improving your home, many people use the terms remodeling and renovation interchangeably (we’ve done it ourselves!). Technically spea…
So, you've found your dream home, but it needs a little extra TLC to truly shine. Or perhaps you're already settled and have been there for years, but…
You know that your current home isn’t working for you, but how do you fix it? If you haven't renovated or built a new home before, you might not know …
For many people, tackling a home renovation project is a once-in-a-lifetime experience; it’s an exciting but challenging endeavor. We’ve worked with m…
Is it better to renovate or build new? This is a common dilemma faced by homeowners who are looking to make major changes to their homes. When you’ve …